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Talking Without Words – Communication Development Clinic

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-04-01 - 2016-03-31
249 400,00 PLN
224 459,92 PLN
new technologies, disability
Project description
According to the information of the Organization, in Lublin and its environs there’s no center, which in a structural way solves the problems people with serious communication disorders and their families. The ONZ convention on the rights of persons with disabilities indicates the necessity to facilitate the use of alternative and assistive communication (Advanced Audio Coding). The latest research proves that about 5% persons with cerebral palsy and 18.9% autistic persons require AAC.
The goal of the project was to counteract social exclusion of not speaking or speech impaired persons through furnishing them with a tool, i.e. an alternative and assistive system of communication and through preparing people from their immediate and secondary environment for making effective use of the system.
Thanks to the activities conducted, appropriate methods of communication have been selected for 50 persons, individual help kits for them have been worked out and as well the speech impaired persons and their families have been prepared for the communication.
A team of therapists (a psychologist, a neuro-speech therapist, a special education teacher, an assistive technology specialist, a rehabilitant) have diagnosed patients and conducted therapy with regard to alternative and assistive communication (on average 12 hours for every speech impaired person with participation of their parents and/or teachers). An individual program of the AAC system implementation and a passport for communication including the basic information about its owner and other aid (a book, tables, symbols etc.) have been worked out for every participant. High technology equipment have been selected for 18 persons. Clinical supervisions (16 meetings) improving knowledge about AAC for parents, teachers and therapists working with the persons taking part in the project (24 parents and 26 therapists) have been conducted. The project realization has been summed up at a conference "Let’s Talk Without Words - AAC Usage at Different Life Stages" in which 250 persons participated.
50 people with communication disorders mainly from Lublin Voivodeship , their parents (67 persons) and 22 other people (teachers, therapists), whom they meet on everyday basis, benefited from the project
We use the grant for capacity building