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Citizens’ watch - guardians of the good energy

Public scrutiny Completed
Green Zone Foundation, Warszawa, Poland
2014-04-30 - 2015-07-31
383 923,56 PLN
345 524,33 PLN
environment protection/sustainable developement
Project description
The project was a response to the need to protect water resources in the context of searching for and exploring shale gas in Poland. In 5 voivodeships in Poland, research and exploratory works were prepared and led to check the possibilities to extract shale gas. Poland has no technology to purify fracking liquid used to extract shale gas, which creates a risk of contamination of surface and underground waters. It is a new theme in Poland, and awareness of it is low among decision-makers and general public. Compliance of administrative decisions with the EU framework Water Directive and water protection programs is not monitored in Poland.
The aim of the project was to improve awareness of decision-makers, general public and inhabitants of the areas where drilling was planned of the need to protect water resources during extraction of sale gas, and to stop the process of searching for shale gas.
As a result of the project activities, a report from monitoring "Water or gas?" and Civic Paper on Water Management Policy were prepared, containing recommendations on effective protection of waters in Poland, that were forwarded to crucial institutions. Awareness of dangers related to shale gas extraction was raised in 5 local communities.
15 civil journalists and leaders managing 5 local watchdog points (in 5 voivodeships) were trained, 3 public debates based on interviews by the Civic Reporting Emergency were organised and broadcast online. Monitoring of administrative decisions taken on the local and the central levels as to protection of waters was led, 10 strategic documents on shale gas extraction were reviewed. The project team took part in numerous bilateral meetings with decision-makers on the central and the local levels, as well as debates and conferences.
The project benefited inhabitants of 5 voivodeships where shale gas deposits exist, general public and decision-makers who became acquainted with dangers related to shale gas extraction and with recommended activities to protect waters.
Partners of the project were responsible for advocacy activities, for presenting information on the project on the web page (The Civil Affairs Institute), for the watchdog point in Mazowsze and for expert support (the Green Zone Foundation).
We use the grant for capacity building