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Equal School Without Discrimination and Violence

Combating discrimination Completed
Polish Teachers' Union, Warszawa, Poland
2014-03-01 - 2016-02-29
330 843,64 PLN
297 773,64 PLN
education system, LGBTQ
Project description
2011-2012 Campaign Against Homophobia research has proven the need to make homophobia-related issues part of the school curriculum. Aforementioned studies prove schools to be the first place where LGB persons encounter sexual orientation-based discrimination. Most cases of violence go unnoticed by teachers – victims are reluctant to come forward, and staff have limited insight as to student relations.
The project purpose was to draft model solutions in the field of preventing sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination at school.
Top anti-discrimination practices were collected in the “Lesson in Equality” publication, copies distributed to representatives of the formal education system.
The project kicked off with direct co-operation with four schools and the teacher community, to then proceed to the institutional level by promoting best-diagnosed solutions in the “Lesson in Equality. Anti-Discrimination Work at School” publication. Six nationwide events were held (workshops, conferences, and seminars) to provide formal education representatives with knowledge of tools required to support schools in efficient anti-discrimination education, and preventing sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination. A Teacher’s Code of Ethics was drafted and promoted; the website was reactivated as a source of knowledge on anti-discrimination and anti-homophobic education in Polish schools.
The partner organisation was responsible for promoting project results (model solutions in preventing discrimination and prejudice-based violence at school) in the teacher community, and for drafting the Teacher’s Code of Ethics.
Beneficiaries included 260 formal education system representatives (participants of project result promoting events), and 4 schools where anti-discrimination activities were implemented).
We use the grant for capacity building