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Two Generations – So Much to Share

Counteracting exclusion Completed
CRAFTROOM Store and Workshop, Warszawa, ul. Chrzanowskiego 8B, Poland
2014-02-03 - 2015-02-28
214 826,05 PLN
192 936,05 PLN
elderly people, women, community engagement
Project description
In the local environment where the "Common Yard" Association is active, there are two groups that need support and that at the same time can mutually give such support to one another - senior persons and parents of small children. Elder people often feel lonely, redundant, and experience fear and depression. Parents raising children face many, often multiplying problems, of which can be mentioned such as: sense of being incompetent as parents, multiannual parental leaves, lack of education, housing and economic problems, lonely maternity, conflicts with partners and problems related to divorce. Both groups are exposed to social exclusion.
The aim of the project was to build ties within local community through creating a space for meeting and mutual exchange between two groups endangered by social exclusion, living in the Warsaw district of Grochów: senior citizens and parents of small children.
As a result of implementation of the project, 48 female inhabitants of Grochów (seniors and mothers of small children) broadened their network of social support and developed their interests.
The activities included regular meetings of support and development groups (90 meetings) - for seniors and for mothers of small children, meetings with specialists (e.g. psychologist, educationalist, doctor - 16 meetings), neighbourhood Saturdays (12), artistic workshops (10), trips and going out to the movies and to the theatre (13). As a result of the activities, participants could start new relations and discover new skills. Although formally the project ended, its participants still meet, mutually support, and plan common activities.
Beneficiaries of the project were 48 women (18 seniors and 30 mothers of small children).
The partner of the project was the workshop Craftroom specialising in hand-made products made using the technique of decoupage. Its task was to conduct workshops in this field.
We use the grant for capacity building