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Programme for the Prevention of the Discrimination of Foreigners

Combating discrimination Completed
Help Center for Foreigners, Warszawa, Poland
zORIENTuj się, Warszawa, Poland
Immigrant Support Center, Gdańsk, Poland
2014-03-03 - 2016-03-31
384 920,91 PLN
346 412,28 PLN
multiculturalism, refugees and migrants, uniformed services, hate speech, integration
Project description
The immigrant and refugee community in Poland remains relatively low in comparison with Western Europe; yet foreigners are an increasingly frequent target of attacks.
Joining forces with partners, the Foundation noted an increased number of cases of discrimination and aggression against foreign nationals – most frequent ones involving hate speech and islamophobic content on forums and in social media; discrimination in access to the job market, accommodation, health care, education, and unbiased justice; and acts of mental and physical violence. Discrimination in contact with the judiciary and the police and border guard (failure to respect foreigners’ rights, foreigners fearing to notify authorities) is a particularly difficult issue. The frequent lack of command of foreign languages is conducive to discrimination by officers and public officials.
The project purpose was to prevent discrimination against foreigners in contact with officers and public officials.
As a result, 2,293 persons coming in direct contact with foreigners took multi-cultural and/or language courses; 179 foreign nationals were offered needed anti-discrimination support.
The project involved 563h of multi-cultural and anti-discrimination workshops attended by 2,240 officers, public officials, and non-governmental organisation workers. A pilot programme of workshops for foreign nationals was held, preparing them to act as culture specialists and teachers of the native language as a foreign language (11 persons). These skills were used in the project: e.g. in foreign language classes for 53 representatives of public services and institutions and non-governmental organisations. Foreigners were offered counselling; cases of discrimination and hate speech were monitored.
Partners were responsible for expanding the project reach and providing topical support.
Project beneficiaries included 2,293 representatives of public services and institutions and non-governmental organisations, and 201 foreigners.
We use the grant for capacity building