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“Anti-Semitism is not a consistent outlook”

Combating discrimination Completed
Autonomy Foundation, Kraków, Poland
2014-08-04 - 2016-04-30
261 739,00 PLN
225 000,00 PLN
Project description
In recent years, an increasing interest in Jewish culture can be seen in Poland. In every bigger city at least one festival promoting the culture is organised. But despite the fact, as shown by opinion polls, anti-Semitic views are still widespread. Surveys conducted in 2009 and 2013 by the Centre for Research on Prejudices in cooperation with CBOS showed that anti-Semitic attitudes still remained very popular. The situation is worsened by the presence of stereotypes on Jews in education materials available to teachers and educators.
The aim of the project was to analyse school handbooks as to anti-Semitic contents in them, and to prepare education materials for teachers helping them to teach on anti-Semitism and Jewish culture.
As a result of the project, a comprehensive analysis of school handbooks was conducted and presented in the form of database on the Internet platform. Three publications were prepared containing tested education materials helping to teach on anti-Semitism and Jewish culture.
171 school handbooks were analysed. The results of the analysis were made available in the form of database presented on the Internet platform. The base allows for reviewing selected school handbooks as to information on Jews and Jewish culture, and anti-Semitic contents present in them. An anti-discrimination handbook was prepared focused on counteracting anti-Semitic attitudes (500 copies). A handbook for educators from kindergartens and first years of schools was published, concerning teaching on the Jewish community (500 copies). Both publications contain in all 45 lesson and workshop scenarios. Additionally, the exercise book was also prepared (500 copies). 15 trainings were organised to test the educational scenarios. The works on analysing contents of handbooks were summed up during a seminar organised in the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. The project ended up with a conference in Warsaw.
300 persons participated in the trainings. The conference and the seminar gathered about 110 persons. The publications reached at least 1000 recipients.
We use the grant for capacity building