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Women and men, boys and girls TOGETHER against gender stereotypes

Combating discrimination Completed
Voices against violence, Warszawa, Poland
2014-09-01 - 2016-02-29
350 000,00 PLN
315 000,00 PLN
violence, women
Project description
Research shows that gender-related stereotypes limit individual experience, may be hurtful, and become the reason for discriminative behaviour and a variety of forms of violence (“Gender in Education”, ed. M. Chomczyńska-Rubacha, 2004). Gender stereotypes boys encounter at early stages of socialisation (also as part of the education system) are also a contributing factor to the belief that men are superior to women, as displayed i.a. in hate speech towards women, treating girls with contempt, and violating their private space.
The project purpose was to prevent gender-based discrimination by taking action targeting the educated and the educators alike: teachers, girls and boys, and the entire society.
Violence prevention workshops and a gender stereotype-related debate were organised for young people and teaching staff. A report on how masculinity and femininity role models are presented in school textbooks was published. An Anti-Violence Male Network was set up.
A qualitative study of boys was held in the field of sexism mechanisms. The following events were organised, participant numbers listed: 3 workshops for teachers and pedagogues on stereotype consequences (44), 9 WenDo workshops – self-defence and assertiveness for girls (112), 8 equality debates for young people (159), and 5 anti-violence workshops for boys (57). Five debates on gender-related stereotypes and their impact on violence, and the role of the education system in overcoming them were held (a total of 310 persons). A report analysing Polish textbooks and curriculum foundations in terms of the femininity and masculinity role models was printed (250 copies). Study results and recommendations were presented during an expert conference (150 persons). Three Anti-Violence Male Network meetings were held (16 persons), including one in trainer workshop format. A textbook for persons working with men and boys was produced, class scripts included (300 copies).
Project beneficiaries included 388 workshop attendants and 460 conference and debate participants.
The Voices Against Violence informal group was responsible for the Male Network, workshops for boys, equality debates, and textbook drafting.
The Gender in Textbooks team analysed schoolbooks.
Oslo Krisesenter/Bokollektivet organised the study visit and consultations on preventing and combating stereotypes.
We use the grant for capacity building