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Monitoring of implementation of senior policies in cities

Public scrutiny Completed
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
250 256,19 PLN
225 056,19 PLN
local government, local policies, public institutions
Project description
According to the data by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, by 2025 about 25% of Polish population will be aged 60 years or older. Yet in spite of the aging society (which tendency has been apparent for several years), local authorities are insufficiently prepared to cope with the situation. Even in places where various senior policy programmes and strategies are created, senior citizens are rarely included in their preparation.
The objective of the project was to improve the senior citizens policy in 10 chosen cities, as well as to create and test tools which would enable senior citizens to conduct grass root monitoring in their communities.
The project provided for pilot monitoring of senior citizens policies in 2 Silesian cities, and for publishing reports from the monitoring. Then, in cooperation with local seniors’ groups, the monitoring was conducted in further 8 cities, and reports were prepared. There was a joint report summarising the project. A monitoring tool was prepared and tested, and 8 local debates were held, with participation from about 230 people.
The outcomes of the project include changes to senior citizens policies, or improved life quality of senior citizens, in the monitored cities (e.g. creation of two senior citizens’ councils, improvement of urban infrastructure), as well as preparation and testing of the monitoring tool, which will be available to local seniors’ groups.
The beneficiaries of the project include the authorities and senior citizens of the 10 monitored communities, as well as senior citizens’ organisations from other cities, which wish to get involved in the process of shaping senior citizens policies in their communities.
The project’s partner cooperated with the representatives of Bona Fides at all stages, from the development of the research tool, through the pilot tests, support for the monitoring organisations, to the preparation of the summarising report and the final version of the tool.
We use the grant for capacity building