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Gamification of efforts for the public good

Systemic projects Completed
2014-03-04 - 2016-04-30
1 182 368,74 PLN
987 493,87 PLN
new technologies, accessing public data
Project description
The project was a continuation of the activities conducted by the Foundation eState in 2010. The Foundation created the portal Sejmometr, later developed into the portal mojePanstwo. The portal was launched to improve the activities of non-governmental organisations in the field of using public data in the public debate, interactions with public administration and reaching different recipients with information on their values and activities. The project was led together with and for other non-governmental organisations. During the project the Foundation diagnosed the needs of other organisations and closely cooperated with 15 partners in developing solutions. The portal contained tools enabling NGOs to promote their activities, improve their work, and use huge bases of public knowledge, originating from both the government administration area and non-governmental organisations (grant competitions for organisations, analysis of financial reports of PBO). The structure and the mode of operation of the portal mojePanstwo were modernised. It was divided into so-called thematic applications, each of which is directed to different group of recipients. The applications cover a broad spectrum of subjects present in the public debate, from information on legal regulations and verdicts, through financial information on the situation of the state and non-governmental organisations, to information on natural environment, statistical indicators and many other information. The portal also has mechanisms of engagement, personalisation and game-rivalry. As a result of the activities, the number of persons visiting the portal and registered accounts (over 14 000) increased considerably. In the beginning, the portal had over 215.5 thousand of unique users monthly, and at the end of the activities led it had over 485 thousand of them.
We use the grant for capacity building