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Lower Silesia Campaign against Hate Speech

Bilateral relations Completed
Association for Children and Young People CHANCE
2015-10-01 - 2015-12-31
10 323,52 PLN
10 323,52 PLN
Project description
In partnership with Amnesty International Norway, the Association completed the "Lower Silesia Campaign against Hate Speech" thematic project. With intent to strengthen co-operation and learn more about new and effective work methods, a study visit to Norway was organised, attended by Association and local government representatives. Visit participants were presented with methods of working with young people in the field of xenophobia and discrimination preventing, with the local government's role in supporting such activities, and with activities and operation of youth centres. Local government representatives declared their support in preventing discrimination, racism, and hate speech in Poland. Furthermore, the Association acquired new partners, and planned a 2016 Polish-Norwegian youth exchange (duly completed) jointly with the Anti-Racist Center.