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From Tolerance to Integration

Combating discrimination Completed
Foundation for Somalia, Warszawa, Poland
Office for Foreigners, Warszawa, Poland
2014-03-01 - 2015-11-30
284 550,95 PLN
253 766,11 PLN
multiculturalism, refugees and migrants, education system, integration
Project description
Most centres for foreign nationals-refugee applicants are located in small towns and villages, which is why foreigners are placed in small communities prone to a sense of threat, uncertainty, and fear. Such feelings in turn breed racist and xenophobic attitudes, giving rise to occasional open conflict. The situation is exacerbated by a fear of Muslims, intensified by the Syrian conflict, and by a sense of threat stemming from the series of terrorist attacks by radicals.
The purpose of the project was to mobilise local communities to take action fostering tolerance and intercultural understanding.
As a result, more than 2,000 persons were sensitised to refugee issues and joined tolerance-fostering activities.
Forty refugee-centred information meetings were held for 1,140 participants (i.a. employers, social workers, medical staff, and local community representatives). Twenty-one intercultural workshops were organised for 577 pupils. In workshop setting, pupils – assisted by anti-discrimination trainers – designed and implemented 10 anti-discrimination initiatives at their home schools.
The project further comprised media-targeted activities: three study visits for journalists and three information meetings at refugee centres. An accompanying information campaign was prepared, with exposure on means of public transportation. Information leaflets were designed and distributed.
Project beneficiaries included 2,043 participants of information and educational activities.
Partner organisations were responsible for content-related assistance (e.g. Foundation for Somalia representatives co-hosted the intercultural workshops) and for guaranteeing due rank and importance to project events (Office for Foreigners).
We use the grant for capacity building