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Let Them Hear Us

Civic participation Completed
2014-02-05 - 2015-04-30
317 156,90 PLN
284 071,47 PLN
local government, local policies, environment protection/sustainable developement
Project description
In recent years, in Warsaw several dozens of clubs were opened which are busy till late at night. Annoying noise from the clubs and no effective way to intervene became problems for inhabitants. Other big cities aslo have this probelm. Discussions on how to reconcile the interests of entertainment seekers and people living in the vicinity of clubs brought no satisfactory solutions.
The aim of the project was to improve the quality of life for inhabitants through encouraging local authorities to set rules for the nightlife in Warsaw and including inhabitants in the decision-making processes in this field.
As a result of the project, the authorities and the general public became persuaded that noise in the night is a grave problem, and a process of amending local regulations in this field was started. The President of Warsaw issued a directive on protection from night noise, nightclubs had to aghree to more restrictive provisions on quiet hours, the procedures for interventions of city guards in the district of Śródmieście were also changed. Awareness of inhabitants on their rights for protection from noise and on their abilities to influence decisions of local authorities was raised. Developed proposals for solutions were also presented in other cities (Wrocław, Gdańsk, Lublin, Kraków).
Under the project, a social campaign was conducted on annoying and harmful effects of night time noise for inhabitants (radio and film spots, leaflets and posters). A document containing recommendations for city authorities, and a summarising results of qualitative and quantitative surveys, were prepared. A series of debates with participation of inhabitants and journalists, as well as a series of meetings with district authorities, city councillors and owners of clubs were organised. Inhabitants and city officers (over 120 persons) took part in trainings on harmful effects of noise and rights of inhabitants to be protected from noise.
Beneficiaries of the project were inhabitants of Warsaw.
In cooperation with the Foundation Global Compact Poland, examples of foreign solutions were described, and reports and recommendations were presented in other cities.
We use the grant for capacity building