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Stop Violence Against Senior Citizens (SCs)

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-04-01 - 2015-06-30
69 953,46 PLN
62 950,60 PLN
elderly people, violence
Project description
In the Warsaw district of Żoliborz, even 4000 elder people may be affected by the problem of violence (LBS survey 2009). No municipal institution nor non-governmental organisation in the district offers psychological, therapeutic or counselling support directed to the group of persons, or leads educational activities in this field.
The aim of the project was to highlight the problem of violence towards elder people and to offer direct support for victims.
In two Warsaw districts (Bielany, Żoliborz) information were spread on violence towards elder persons, specificity of the problem and institutions or organisations that can be contacted to receive help. Direct assistance was given to 11 women - victims of violence (aged between 53 and 79), and 21 persons were advised by phone.
Open meetings of a psychologist and a policeman were organised with elder persons on violence and safety, and a series of free workshops ended with integration trip and presenting a prepared theatrical piece (three shows, two discussions with spectators) were conducted. An information action on violence towards elder people (400 booklets on violence, 600 posters) was led. During the campaign persons seeking for assistance were given the phone number of the Foundation "Project: The elders".
Direct support was given to 11 women-victims of violence, information meetings gathered 38 senior persons, phone advice was used by 21 persons. It is hard to indicate the number of persons who were reached by the message of the initiative, but for sure it exceeded 1000.
The project was implemented in partnership with the Association of Practitioners of Drama STOP KLATKA. The skills of the partner in social intervention using the drama method were necessary to implement the project.
We use the grant for capacity building