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Zatorze – I Like It

Children and youth Completed
Komorowo Żuławskie
2014-04-01 - 2015-06-30
186 629,48 PLN
165 301,35 PLN
Project description
Zatorze (about 10,000), a district of Elbląg with a high concentration of council flats inhabited by vulnerable families has a high rate of welfare provision. More than 2,030 local people receive welfare support and many families have struggled with parenting. Young people aged 15-24 are a particularly vulnerable group with a higher crime rate than in other neighbourhoods of the city.
The goal of the project is to combat youth marginalisation in Zotorze.
The project’s major outcome is a group of 342 students who are trained to actively engage in community projects and have improved their self-assessment as a result of gaining new social and art project management skills.
The project delivered workshops with psychologists and prevention workshops and a three-day off-site workshop. Young people took part in two city games and 36 classroom Theatre shows and organised two Books for Walls games for 12 middle school forms.
Project beneficiaries include middle school students in Zatorze.
The Family Initiative Association benefitted from the Partner’s experience and support during recruitment for and organisation of outdoor games. The Partner contributed its venue for the workshops free of charge.