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Enhanced monitoring of sustainable public procurement in Poland.

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-03-01 - 2016-03-31
350 489,11 PLN
306 875,37 PLN
workers' rights, public institutions
Project description
Social and environmental clauses in public procurement improve work quality and the condition of natural environment. In Poland in 2013, social clauses were used in 3% of cases, and environmental clauses in 12% of cases of public procurement.
The objective of the project was to increase the number of sustainable public procurement in 80 institutions in Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Katowice and Poznań (in chosen academic schools, as well as municipal, marshal’s, and national government units).
Thanks to the project, application of social clauses in the monitored institutions rose from 1,8% to 19%. At the beginning of the project, environmental aspects were considered in 22,8% of procurements; at the end – 26,15%. The project contributed to more serious treatment of social and environmental effects of procurements by the monitored institutions. For example, they started to pay attention to full-time employment contracts and provision of jobs to people with disabilities; they more frequently used eco-certificates and energy-efficient solutions. The project was one of the largest independent monitoring programmes of sustainable public procurement in Poland and Europe. It inspired other organisations to undertake similar actions.
The publication “Sustainable public procurement in practice” and the report “Sustainable public procurement in Poland” were met with significant interest, and the website became a database of SPP knowledge, and the largest collection of good SPP practices in Poland.
Almost 50 meetings were organised with key procurers, as well as a seminar and a large international conference. In each of the project cities, a “round table” was organised – a forum of local debate on SPP. Almost 400 people took part in those events.
The project was received with interest by the media – it was quoted at least 85 times, e.g. in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” and “Rzeczpospolita” newspapers, and the TOK FM Radio. Experts from CSR.PL were often invited to comment on news concerning public procurement.
In cooperation with the project partner – the Ethical Trading Initiative Norway – a study visit to Oslo was organised. During the visit, 8 representatives of Polish NGOs met with representatives of Norwegian NGOs and public institutions promoting sustainble development.
We use the grant for capacity building