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Monitoring European Union Funds.

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-09-01 - 2015-12-31
383 612,55 PLN
343 612,55 PLN
public finances
Project description
From 2014 until 2020, Polish non-governmental organizations may benefit from the European Social Fund (ESF), mainly through Regional Operational Programs (ROPs). It’s a major source of funding for their projects. Despite the fact that RPOs were negotiated by regional authorities which made agreements with the European Commission, it is the government which is accountable for the overall policy related to the EU funding. Following problems with establishing partnership-driven principles governing the European funds in previous years, it was essential to prepare organizations and citizens to monitor the implementing institutions.
Long-term program objectives included establishment of a nationwide panel for monitoring European funds, featuring representatives of organizations from 16 regions as well as making a contribution to appointment of non-governmental groups monitoring operations of regional authorities relevant to ROP implementation in at minimum eight provinces.
16 ROPs were monitored for participation of civil society representatives in drafting agendas, appointment of non-governmental Monitoring Committee members, services provided to organizations by Local Information Points as well as access of organizations to ROP funding. Recommendations were submitted to representatives of the Ministry of Development and distributed in the regional report format to 16 Regional Marshalls.
We use the grant for capacity building