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Start up! Action and ideas laboratory against hate speech

Combating discrimination Completed
2014-10-01 - 2016-04-30
349 289,28 PLN
304 273,16 PLN
Project description
Research shows that Poles remain in the statistical lead of nationalities prejudiced against other groups (Zick, Kuepper, Hoevermann, 2011). Studies prove that the hate speech phenomenon is on the rise – a high 2.7% of Polish web posts contain hate speech (“Web Culture of Offence”, 2012). Research findings recently published by the Batory Foundation show that the public are most tolerant towards hate speech against LGBTQ persons, Jews, Muslims, and the Roma (“Hate Speech – Study Report”, 2014). It has further been shown that more than one-half of respondents were exposed to hate speech.
The project purpose was to commit young activists to take innovative action to prevent hate speech. Concepts and idea start-up were drafted and delivered in all voivodships: a total of 17 innovative activities to prevent hate speech and discrimination. A nationwide activist network was formed.
The project kicked off with an all-Polish campaign to recruit local leaders invited to attend two-day workshops (48 persons) on non-standard tools (flash mobs, memes, graphics) used in human rights-fostering activities. Attendants expanded their competencies during 3 e-learning courses on hate speech and its prevention. Local leaders presented start-up activity concepts. Of the 48 social micro-campaigns tabled, 17 were selected for implementation. They focused on a variety of areas: discrimination against girls, inter-generation relations, and Muslim women living in Warsaw. Regular mentor support was offered to local leaders and their work. Two regional conferences (for a total of 100 participants) were held to promote start-up effects and exchange experience.
The co-ordinator of the NO HATE SPEECH Council of Europe campaign in Poland (partner organisation) was responsible for topical and promotional aid for the project.
Beneficiaries included 48 local activists (workshop participants) and 100 regional conference attendants. Estimated reach of social micro-campaigns: several thousand recipients.
We use the grant for capacity building