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World Of Women Plus

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-10-01 - 2016-04-30
252 474,05 PLN
219 989,77 PLN
Project description
Every year, in Poland 160-200 new HIV infections are detected among women. In 2015, 184 new infections were registered, 39 women developed AIDS, and 11 women AIDS patients died. In spite of the situation, no long-term activities were conducted directed to HIV-infected women that would take into account their special needs.
The main objective of the project was to improve the quality of life of and integrate women with HIV through various forms of advisory services, support, supplying knowledge, developing social competencies and activating them for volunteer work. Women living with HIV benefited from specialist consultations, workshops and support and integration meetings. An Internet page and a blog were launched concerning problems of women with HIV/AIDS. The participants of the project declared higher sense of social support and well-being.
211 specialist consultations were conducted, as well as 444 consultations for educators and 154 interventions in crisis situations (85 women). Mail and phone support covered 96 women from all over Poland. 56 meetings of the Pozytywka Club were held to support and integrate women with HIV. Participants of the project co-developed the Internet page Pozytywnyś and the blog. Five one-day and three three-day psycho-educational meetings were organised for 65 women. 9 educators and 13 volunteers were trained. A survey on the quality of life of women with HIV was conducted and a report was prepared.
The project benefited 350 women infected with HIV from all over Poland.
We use the grant for capacity building