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My Place

Children and youth Completed
2014-09-01 - 2015-11-30
385 559,63 PLN
342 991,00 PLN
local policies, community engagement
Project description
The Local Government Society has reviewed the status of eastern Wielkopolska communities only to find that most of them have done very little to engage with young people to promote local democracy. Youth has not been drawn in discussions about the 'now' and 'tomorrow' of local communities nor have young people been consulted on matters that are or will be relevant to them.
The goal of the project was to ensure that young people have a greater say in managing the environment in which they live.
Ten youth teams (124 individuals) in 7 rural and urban worked with adult experts (visual artists, urban planners, architects, community developers) developed an outline area development plan or functional concept. Five teams produced proposed public space development mock-ups, two teams designed interiors and activities, and three teams focused on youth community involvement projects. Teams produced exhibition posters and multimedia presentations of their projects.
While working with experts, local co-ordinators and the project team, young people designed and organised debates with local residents, local government agencies, media, business and non-governmental organisations.
The debates allowed young people to present their own projects and enter into 'local contracts' wth respect to their designs (sites or initiatives) The debates produced recommendations about ways of involving youth in local decision-making. Furthermore, the project involved workshops, local debates and a video. The project offered benefits to middle school youth in Koło, Turek, Rychwał, Golina, Skulsk, Grzegorzew and Kłodawa.
The project was implemented in partnership with the Konin Culture and Arts Centre that helped recruit young people and selection of experts.
We use the grant for capacity building