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I Actively Use Sign Language And I Understand

Counteracting exclusion Completed
2014-09-01 - 2016-04-30
149 800,00 PLN
134 800,00 PLN
law, disability
Project description
There are about 6,000 deaf and hard-of-hearing people in Pomeranian Voivodeship. Inability to communicate through speech creates problems in everyday life. In general, deaf people do not understand official documents and cannot provide required information about themselves. Their isolation is even bigger because the society lacks knowledge about the specificity of deafness as a kind of disability. Deaf people need help not only to communicate, but also to understand the essence of the vital issues, which need to be solved.
The main goal of the project was to counteract social exclusion of deaf people through comprehensive assistance, information, teaching resourcefulness and animating social activities.
The activities conducted have helped 823 deaf persons to overcome psychological barriers and to cope with difficult life situations. 100 deaf persons have managed to integrate and boost their self-confidence.
Information and Advice Center was operating (8 hours every day, 2 employees). Most often it provided information (on the spot, via phone, via SMSs and through Skype) on the rights of people with disabilities, rehabilitation equipment, subsides, range of activities of other institutions supporting people with disabilities, etc. Deaf persons have obtained help in solving their official business through writing documents, making contact with institutions, and through participation of an assistant who accompanied them in offices and health centers (865 persons, 1,319 cases, including 102 issues of 42 persons with help of an assistant). Support groups (in total 168 meetings for about 100 persons) were run, and various interest groups functioned within them, such as: cinema fans, day room (games and activities), IT, hand knitting, book club, bridge club, dancing, arts and model-making. Lectures with discussions on topics crucial for the circle were held. Integration activities and exchange of experiences were conducted.
About 900 persons with hearing difficulties and their families from Pomeranian Voivodeship have benefited from the activities.
We use the grant for capacity building