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Cyclists' social participation network in transport policy

Civic participation Completed
City for the Bicycles, Wrocław, Poland
2014-10-01 - 2016-01-31
364 611,36 PLN
325 863,86 PLN
sustainable transport, local policies, national policies
Project description
Bicycles account for just a few percent of traffic in Polish cities, and cycling development is not sufficiently supported by the state at the level of national and local policies.
The objective of the project was to introduce changes to state policies, in particular to ensure the participation and influence of NGOs upon the reform of regulations concerning construction of cycling infrastructure. The project also involved reforming the existing urban cycling policies, in particular in the area of participation, as well as strengthening cycling organisations.
The legal changes introduced as the result of the project were in line with the suggestions made by the civil society organisations. This was a great achievement, as the new regulations have created massive opportunities for construction of cycling facilities, such as lanes, advanced stop lines, counterflow lanes, three-aspect traffic lights and legal upstream traffic on one-way streets. In the cities where the project was implemented, there was an improvement in the dialogue between authorities and the NGOs, and in the quality of performance by the NGOs themselves. In the three cities where the authorities approved the guidelines formulated during the project, there was a significant change in the quality of their cycling policies. Public audits of cycling policies were conducted in 10 large Polish cities, and the collected data were summarised in the final report. Meetings were held in those cities, between cycling activists and the authorities, devoted to local cycling policies. Other meetings were devoted to improving the performance of local organisations, with expert participation. The project financed the activities of the national cycling advocate, whose task was to act as intermediary between institutions of national and local government and NGOs. The project ended with the National Cycling Congress in Warsaw.
The project’s beneficiaries included members of local government, cycling activists, civil servants and MPs.
The project’s partner was the Cities for Bicycles Association (Miasta dla Rowerów), comprising local NGOs. The task of member organisations was to conduct the audit of cycling policies.
We use the grant for capacity building