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Roads – Protecting Environmental Corridors for People and Nature

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-10-01 - 2016-03-31
277 779,68 PLN
249 918,48 PLN
local government, local policies, environment protection/sustainable developement, public institutions
Project description
Poland is a country where the road network is being dynamically developed. Modernised roads are necessary, but they also pose a threat for environmental communication throughout the country and Europe. Effective environmental protection along the roads requires active social participation in developing relevant documentation and during issuing of administrative decisions. Unfortunately, the documents submitted for consultations often contained errors and had to be amended where environmental impact analyses were concerned, and according to the report of the Supreme Audit Office from 2010, in less than 30% of procedures social opinions were taken into account. The practice results in building roads that are dangerous both for people and for natural environment.
The aim of the project was to support protection for ecologic corridors, as a means of maintaining biodiversity and safety for the road users. The project aimed at developing intersectoral partnerships and broadening of social participation in decision-making processes related to protection of environmental resources.
The impact of the existing roads on ecologic corridors was evaluated, the most controversial sections of roads were identified, and the social monitoring of procedures for new investments was conducted. We actively joined in administrative procedures and supported social participation in decision-making processes.
Under the project, the thematic service,, was created, as well as geo-service containing a map of ecologic corridors. The service was supported by publications on portals. 10 professional reports were prepared, analysing the priority problems related to protection of ecologic communication in the vicinity of roads. A consultation point was organised - advices and expertise were used by institutions, companies and local communities. The monitoring of administrative procedures resulted in filing comments concerning 10 controversial sections of roads. The project helped to build an image of PNRWI as a reliable and valuable professional partner for all sectoral recipients.
The project benefited entities and institutions responsible for preparing and building roads, academic circles, students, non-governmental organisations and local communities.
We use the grant for capacity building