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Open Zgierz

Combating discrimination Completed
2014-09-01 - 2015-06-30
190 935,16 PLN
171 709,44 PLN
multiculturalism, local policies, culture
Project description
In recent years, in Zgierz a growing tide of hate speech in urban space and growing xenophobic attitudes among youth can be observed, while the knowledge on multicultural past of the town remains poor among its inhabitants. As shown by experiences gathered under another project implemented by the Grantee, in Zgierz, there are also no initiatives to support integration of refugee children in schools. In schools in Zgierz big differences between boys and girls are observed as to their aspirations and self-confidence (the diagnosis is confirmed by one of members of the association), and teachers lack tools to manage the issue of gender equality.
The aim of the project was to reduce hate speech incidence in Zgierz, enhance the openness for differences among inhabitants of the town, help refugee children in their school life, improve the general knowledge on discrimination related to gender.
During activities led under the project, inhabitants of Zgierz (including youth) broadened their knowledge on multicultural history of the town and on the situation of refugees. They learned how public space can be used to promote tolerance. The chances for integration of refugee children were increased, and schools started to use tools supporting antidiscrimination education.
Under the projects, the following activities were performed: workshops for young people and teachers, over 10 activities in the public space, e.g. flashmob, sports tournament, poster action, Human Library, as well as a debate on counteracting discrimination with participation of candidates for the post of the president of the town. The following educational materials were prepared: a book "On brave princesses...", a booklet on hate speech, a mural, a cartoon movie showing experiences of refugees, a welcome package for refugees, a spot concerning tolerance, two workshop scripts, and Internet page.
Beneficiaries of the project were inhabitants of Zgierz and refugees from the centre in Grotniki. 1199 inhabitants of Zgierz and 40 refugee children directly participated in the activities led under the project.