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Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Implementation Report

Public scrutiny Completed
2014-09-01 - 2015-07-31
140 921,65 PLN
126 820,00 PLN
Project description
According to various sources, 3 to 6 million people with different disabilities live in Poland and are exposed to discrimination. The UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities regulates how human rights should be protected in the case of such persons. Poland ratified the Convention in 2012. In accordance with article 33 of the Convention, the Polish government prepared a report on implementation. Also the Commissioner for Human Rights prepared its own report.

The idea of the project was to prepare the Social Alternative Report, supplementing the government report and describing the existing situation from the point of view of persons with disabilities themselves, organisations that help them, and independent experts.

The Social Alternative Report became a tool to try to improve the situation of persons with disabilities in Poland. It helped to gather in a synthetic way and prioritise the most important challenges faced by Polish authorities. Work on the report created an opportunity to unite different groups of persons with disabilities and to develop a document that takes into account the needs of different groups. The report can be used by any organisation helping persons with disabilities in their everyday activities - it tries to translate the provisions of the Convention into specific activities, thus helping to fully implement the Convention.

60 non-governmental organisations and over 160 persons from all over Poland participated in developing the report. The content of the alternative report prepared by the expert team was widely consulted during expert panels, regional conferences and via Internet. The form of the report spreads the standard for the availability of official documents. The report was prepared in Polish language, Polish sign language, in the form of easy to read text, and in English language for the UN Committee.
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