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Emergency Intervention Shelter For LGBT Community

Counteracting exclusion Completed
Trans-Fuzja Foundation, Warszawa, Poland
2014-10-01 - 2016-02-29
393 925,26 PLN
348 652,26 PLN
LGBTQ, homelessness
Project description
From the report “Social Situation of LGBT Persons” (2013) and the research made by Campaign Against Homophobia, Association Lambda Warsaw and Foundation Transfusion it follows that in Poland the Discrimination Index concerning sexual orientation and sexual identity is one of the highest in the UE. Non-heterosexual persons suffer both psychological abuse (44%) and physical abuse (12%). In case of transsexual persons the rate is even higher. The active intervention hostels are not prepared to accept LGBT persons. These persons feel misunderstood and alienated there. Some of them have suffered further abuse there (from both the staff and the other clients).
The goal of the project was to prevent exclusion of the LGBT persons through running a safe place for those who suffered abuse with regard to their sexual orientation or sexual identity and through assisting them in solving their life problems.
A shelter and comprehensive assistance have been provided for 49 clients.
A hostel with 12 accommodation places has been founded. The residents were provided with: social counseling (383 hours of consulting for 41 persons), counseling in planning the life changes (284 hours for 49 persons), trainings on social skills (629 hours for 25 persons), psychological counseling (642 hours for 45 persons) and (186 hours for 32 persons).
The participants of the project were LGBT persons, who experienced abuse, who identified themselves mainly as men (40 residents) aged 18-51.
The Partner has brought their experience linked to diagnosing needs and providing support for transsexual persons to the project.
We use the grant for capacity building