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Strategies for civic activation in rural areas on the level of village councils

Civic participation Completed
2014-10-01 - 2016-03-31
269 510,00 PLN
242 506,18 PLN
local policies, rural areas
Project description
Participation of inhabitants in local decision-making is low, their engagement in rural renewal plans weakens, and the system of municipal support for villages is weak (based on own surveys and interviews with rural renewal leaders).
Rural renewal is a program to mobilise local communities for active planning and implementing initiatives for their villages. The aim of the project was to support 20 villages in Dolnośląskie and Opolskie voivodeships through developing and testing the model for updating village rural renewal strategies and disseminating experiences among other villages. A model was looked for that would possibly broadly include inhabitants in planning and implementing of activities, thus integrating the whole communities.
The implementation of the project helped to improve competencies of 42 leaders, 20 village councils and 804 inhabitants in planning local development, and to disseminate good examples of inhabitant participation in rural renewal. 20 village rural development strategies were updated, about 130 activities implementing strategies were conducted. 2 trainings were organised for 20 teams for renewal of localities (42 persons) on methods of communication and mobilising communities and planning projects and evaluating the process, as well as 60 workshops to update 20 strategies (804 inhabitants), a study journey to enhance the knowledge on good practices in rural renewal (30 leaders participating in the project), a conference (65 persons) with a debate on barriers in engaging inhabitants, opportunities for using rural renewal in local development and improving participation in village decisions. The model for socialised updating of village strategies was prepared, as well as tools for monitoring social changes in localities and a publication containing guidelines on engaging inhabitants in rural renewal. In the project participated rural renewal groups, associations, rural renewal leaders, representatives of municipalities (including marshall offices), organisations supporting rural development and inhabitants.
The project partner, LDG Górna Prosna, contributed to the project their experience in activities related to rural renewal and activation of local communities, supported socialised updating of village strategies in Opolskie voivodeship, and propagated the project.
We use the grant for capacity building