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Wrocław on foot

Public scrutiny Completed
2015-04-30 - 2016-04-30
69 349,75 PLN
62 367,75 PLN
sustainable transport, spatial planning
Project description
Though the Wrocław Mobility Policy defines developmental transport objectives, the safety of pedestrians and the comfort of walking in the city are neglected (short green lights and long red lights on pedestrian crossings, pavements full of cars, accidents). The pedestrians have 19% share in all traffic in Wrocław and everyone is a pedestrian, if only on his or her way to a parking or a bus stop, but for years the problems of pedestrians have not been duly recognised. Simultaneously with the launching of the project, the Pedestrian Officer was appointed by the city which created an opportunity for systemic change. The aim of the project was to highlight the problems of pedestrians in Wrocław and to persuade politicians, city officers and inhabitants that a pedestrian-friendly city is a better place to live. The main achievement was to persuade the city authorities to create a special budget for financing investments enhancing the quality and the safety of pedestrian traffic. The authorities are more convinced about the idea of a pedestrian-friendly city and take decisions showing their changed attitude. During the project social consultations were initiated on different problems of pedestrians, several dozens of interventions were undertaken to reclaim the space for pedestrians – modernisation of pavements, changing crossing lights, eliminating illegal parking practices or improving safety. Many of them met with positive response. Real positive changes were introduced and more are to come. The city police paid more attention to the problem of illegal parking and from the beginning of March 2016 the most problematic streets are patrolled on the regular basis. 14 analyses were published on the problems of pedestrians in Wrocław and on good practices from other cities. 4 happenings were organised in the city space to highlight the problems of pedestrians. The project met with interest from media and positive response from the city authorities. As a result of systematic cooperation between the Social Advocate for Pedestrians and the Pedestrian Officer from the City Hall, a channel of communication between city activists and city officers was opened. It seems that the city vice-president will take into account recommendations concerning illegal parking. The project benefited mainly inhabitants, but also the authorities and city officers.
We use the grant for capacity building