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To break the taboo – rights of sexual violence victims

Combating discrimination Completed
WAGA Association, Gdańsk, Poland
2015-03-01 - 2016-04-30
344 401,82 PLN
309 706,15 PLN
judiciary system, uniformed services, violence, law, women
Project description
The project arose from a sense of deficit and belief that Poland suffers of poor comprehensive knowledge concerning the scale of sexual violence against women. Rape-related police statistics reveal a tiny percentage; research by non-governmental organisations and experts suggests a much broader scope of the phenomenon, albeit the knowledge thus provided is fragmentary. As of January 27th 2014, new rape prosecution proceedings have been introduced, their effectiveness not as yet analysed.
The purpose was to measure the scale of sexual violence in Poland, specifically of rape frequency and circumstances, and to check how efficient the new law is (no longer requiring the victim to file a motion, but initiated ex officio). Another project purpose was to alter public knowledge and awareness of the crime.
The project enabled data gathering, allowing an assessment of sexual violence in Poland and of the use of new legal provisions. Making study results public improved the knowledge of the sexual violence scale.
Quantitative and qualitative research of sexual violence was carried out on a population of 481 women. Thirty-three police officers and 15 prosecutors were interviewed. Court cases were analysed. Research yielded the “Rape. Voices.” theatrical play shown three times at the Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw. An “Overcoming the Taboo” publication discussing research and monitoring results and containing recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of sexual violence prevention was printed in 200 copies. The project closed with 3 conferences promoting study results.
Questionnaires were filled in by 451 women; the in-depth interview was used for 30 respondents. An audience of 600 saw the theatre performances. Conferences were attended by 120 persons; the publication reached at least 200.
The Gdańsk-based Waga Association and the “Victoria” Association for Women from Rzeszów were project partners; their representatives co-ordinated research and promotional activities in the Pomeranian and Podkarpackie voivodships.
We use the grant for capacity building