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Participatory family policy of the city of Wrocław

Civic participation Completed
Wroclaw Commune, Wrocław, Poland
2015-04-01 - 2016-04-30
225 610,12 PLN
202 500,00 PLN
family, local policies
Project description
The NGOs participating in the works of the newly created Social Dialogue Group on Family (SDG) faced the lack of tangible effects of its meetings and of opportunities to influence family policy of Wrocław, as a result of the absence of any defined rules for cooperation between SDG and institutions and mechanisms to include inhabitants in co-deciding on family policy. The city lacked any coherent and comprehensive vision for family-oriented activities that would be focused not only on helping families, but also supporting their development.
The main aim of the project was to develop mechanisms for social participation in creating local family policy in the city of Wrocław and to promote participation among its inhabitants.
A platform was prepared for including citizens in the process of developing local policy. The portal Wrocław for Families was launched that allows for gathering opinions from inhabitants and forms a tool for exchange of information between bodies active in the field of supporting family development in Wrocław (NGOs, city and municipal institutions, representatives of families). The SDG on Family was strengthened and became a forum for presenting proposals from families and for developing particular recommendations. The Council for Families was created by the office of the president of Wrocław that translates the recommendations from SDG into practical solutions.
Under the project, questionnaire surveys were led among inhabitants that were deepened in focus groups and during expert interviews. During one of family picnics a consultation point was organised so that the diagnosis could cover possibly broadest group of Wrocław families. Three reports were prepared diagnosing their needs. Principles for action were developed and seven meetings of the SDG were held. A media campaign was conducted to promote the new method of developing family policy in Wrocław. In cooperation with the Economical University and the Polish Society for Social Policy the 6th Nationwide Academic Conference „Concepts and conditions for family policy in Poland in its local dimension. Theory and practice” was organised were conclusions from the project were presented.
The partner of the project, the municipality of Wrocław, was responsible for co-organising trainings on participation and promoting the project among inhabitants of Wrocław.
We use the grant for capacity building