On behalf of Stefan Batory Foundation and Children and Youth Foundation, the Operator of the EEA Grants in Poland, we are pleased to invite Programme Operators and Project Promoters to the Closing Event of the Polish NGO Programme “Citizens for Democracy”. The conference will be held on March 21st, 2017 in Copernicus Conference Centre.
The first part of the conference will comprise of parallel workshop sessions focusing on problems showcased in the projects implemented within the programme, such as civic participation, watchdog and advocacy activities, combating discrimination and counteracting exclusion. There will also be the sessions introducing new tools and solutions, that were developed and implemented thanks to EEA Grants.
The second part – the plenary session – will be dedicated to presentation of the past achievement and the future perspectives of NGO Programmes financed by EEA Grants. It will be also an opportunity to reflect on challenges that civil societies are facing at the times of significant changes in Europe.
The announcement of the winners of the best refugee-themed journalism contest and the presentation of the awards will conclude the conference. Contest “The Theme: Refugees” co-organised with the Institute of Reportage.
Registration will be closed on the 5th of March at 12.00 pm (noon). Confirmation will be sent by the 10th of March.
Please note that we are able to cover costs of accommodation and transportation of 2 participants from each organization, however we are open to host more participants if justified.
Due to any questions please contact: Justyna Szołajska, [email protected]